As you read my knowing’s you may resonate with them or you may believe I am a complete woo-woo nut job. Either way, you may ask yourself what beliefs my knowing’s are based on. So, I will be dedicating this first article to touching on that.
Buckle up buttercup and enjoy taking a walk into the depths of my subconscious.
For one, I believe the terms God/Universe/Source are just some of the many terms we use to give a name to energy, the energy that creates all living beings. I believe we all start off as that very energy, as Source energy, the same energy that has created, atoms, cells, galaxies, planets, and organisms. God energy is all things and thus is unconditionally loving, unbiased, and blissful. Therefore, we as beings of that energy are too. That would also mean we are all one consciousness, stemming from the same source.
I believe that we as manifested physical beings of God energy chose to materialize to have a human experience where we will get to experience trials and triumphs and accumulate knowledge and understanding using our emotions to guide us along the way. In living the human experience bound by our emotions we can expand our collective consciousness with each being’s individual experience. This is why each person’s human experience should be personal, should be lived, and should be viewed with acceptance and compassion.
Our emotions binds us. It’s what makes us human. They exist to tell us when we are living the experience we desire to have and when we’re not. When you’re feeling full of life, acceptance, happiness, and inspiration, is when you know you are aligned with the human experience you desire to have. When you feel crushed, stressed, drained of energy, and void of desire and will, is when you know you’ve migrated off that path. Which (I cannot stress enough) is just as beautiful as being on the path. In fact, occasionally getting off the path is how we can even sense when we’re on it. Being both on and off your path is part of the journey.
You: Okay, little Miss Whimsy, little Miss Fairytale. Why in the fuck would we choose to have “a human experience”?
Me: Well, thank you for asking.
I believe as materialized God energy we are here to do as God does and that is to create. OUR MISSION, THE WHOLE REASON WE MANIFEST IS TO CREATE! That’s it, that is all. We are creators (I’ll explain this in more depth in a separate entry).
The challenge in living our human experience is one, being comfortable listening to our emotions. Two, being emotionally intelligent enough to interpret that information. And three, acting on the messages they give us.
The truth is it’s not very easy to listen to ourselves and embrace our uniqueness and individuality in a world ruled by ego and trauma. Trust me, I know all too well.
The obstacle is that society tells us every second of every day (and very fucking loudly if I may say) to assimilate to a specific line of thinking or a way of being that looks similar to that of another.
Ignoring the screaming to assimilate to someone else’s desired ways of being after it’s been instilled in most of us to bend to that demand is difficult, but our quality of life and our personal (and collective) fulfillment require us to do so. In my journey of self-acceptance, I find more and more evidence that there is room for each person to have their own individual experiences and we still accept one another no matter how different they may be. In fact, I find the more I get to know myself and give myself grace and space the easier and more logical it is to do the same for others.
To me, spirituality is to have an understanding of our emotions, to evolve in our thinking, and to create.
I believe just by being manifested physical beings we are serving our purposes. Without being instructed to or consciously doing so we are emotional, conscious, and creating. We cannot not create even if we wanted to. The only way to cease creation would be to cease to exist.
Now, I’m going to rapid-fire my more woo-woo beliefs at you. If all that you’ve read thus far was not woo-woo to you, I see you, you see me, we see each other. But just know we are about to get into some woo-woo ass shit. You’ve been warned.
I believe we have Spirit guides. Where do they come from however, is something I have yet to discover a solid answer to. I know I am receiving some kind of guidance because I see and feel it. Is that guidance coming from a simultaneously existing future or past version of myself, a passed-on relative, a being that has lived many lives and has agreed to take on this guiding role? I could not tell you. But I get unexplained guidance from something, and I am comforted by the idea of my spirit guides being with me and protecting me always. I believe we each have at least one and It’s just a matter of if we are open to noticing and receiving messages from them.
I believe some people are so in tune with the collected consciousness (The One Consciousness) that they can tap into and pick up on other people’s energy and predict futures and current situations based on the information they pick up from that. So yes, I believe in psychics.
I believe in the capabilities of mediums (people who can see and speak to the deceased). I believe that when our physical bodies die we either do one or two things. One, we lived a fulfilled life where we listened to our emotions, followed their messages, and weren’t shackled by regrets and should of-could of-would of’s. If we lived a life of acceptance and with emotional intelligence, I believe when our bodies die our consciousness connects back with Source energy that is accepting and loving and we then reincarnate to live a different experience. You may come back as a blade of grass, who knows.
Or number two. We spend our lives ignoring our emotions, never learning to accept ourselves, our truths, and our decisions. I believe then we will stay tethered to the physical world but as nonphysical beings still connected to our emotions and ego until we learn to accept ourselves and the life we lived, in which we can then reunite with Source energy. I think these non-physical beings are who mediums connect to.
If it is true that we see the entirety of our lives and of the lives we’ve impacted while living (whether positively or otherwise) I can see how that poses a challenge on whether we feel worthy of reconnecting to Source or not. Inherently we are all worthy no matter the life we live but it’s up to us to see ourselves as such.
Now, if you made it to the end of this and did not feel like this was some woo-woo ass shit then my love, you are my soul mate. And you may very well enjoy all there is to come from this blog. I look forward to exploring this journey with you.
If you’re a bit on the fence but still curious, then friend, I appreciate you, your openness, your time, and your energy. Stick around for more of my knowing’s that just may resonate with you.
If you made it to the end and you hated everything about this article and all that I believe in then be free my beautiful butterfly. Listen to that emotional navigation system and go enjoy the experiences you came here to have. Hopefully, in our paths crossing it motivated you to some capacity. Even if it was simply to get the fuck up out of here.
I look forward to living my creative truth, accumulating more knowing’s, and sharing it all with you.
-Tales of a nobody